Merkliste: 7 Einträge | Detailansicht | Drucken | Merkliste löschen

The Rhineland massacres of jews in the First Crusade : memories medieval and modern Nirenberg, David 2002

From the First Crusade to the Second: Evolving perceptions of the christian-jewish conflict Chazan, Robert 2001

God, humanity, and history : the Hebrew First Crusade narratives Chazan, Robert 2000

The hebrew first-crusade narratives and their intertexual messages Chazan, Robert 1999

The first crusade as reflected in the earliest hebrew narrative Chazan, Robert 1998

The Mainz Anonymus: Historiographic perspectives Chazan, Robert 1998

The hebrew crusade chronicles and the ashkenazic tradition Cohen, Gerson D. 1993